Module 6

Issue One, Navigation: The first issue of accessibility I encountered was my navigation links, which are listed at the top of every webpage. To combat this, I used a skip navigation link before all of my content so any screen-readers would be able to go directly into the content of my website.

Issue Two, Contrast: After checking my website through WAVE, one of the things flagged on my website was that the contrast between my colors was very similar and often difficult to discern. This was also a note from my classmates during our presentations. To help with this, I added thicker shadows behind the lighter-colored text to separate it from the background. I also decreased the transparency on my transparent boxes so the text is clearer and less faded into the background.

Issue Three, Readability: While WAVE did not flag my readability, I chose to change some of my typography in order to make things more readable. For instance, on this page, I initially had my text centered. After we discussed in class how reading things when they are centered-left can be easier, I changed the text to begin at the left margin.