The Psychology of Blue

The color blue is often described as a peaceful, tranquil, and non-confrontational color. It brings forth feelings of calmness and serenity. Some believe this can be linked to nature as the oceans and the sky, often linked to peacefulness, are percieved as blue.

silver police badges

Due to the combination of calming and mentally stimulating effects, color blue can even increase productivity. Being associated with trust and dependability, blue has been chosen for a color that will be used by law enforcement officers around the world. The idea behind blue uniforms is that blue should represent authoritative, but calm and confident figure, just like the color itself.

blue square with letter f small blue bird

Many companies use the color blue in their logos due to its link to productivity and calmness. Facebook and Twitter are notable, using blue as a means to keep users calm and active on the social media sites. Tech companies have also been known to use blue in their logos as an "innovative" color. HP, Intel, AT&T, Samsung, and Dell all use(d) blue logos.

Website Examples

b=Best Buy home page b=Wordpress home page b=Skype home page


Very Well Mind | Color Psychology | Best Buy (Current Website) | WordPress (Current Website) | Skype (Current Website)