- Title: HTML5 Template: A Basic Boilerplate for Any Project
- Homepage
- Authors: Louis Lazaris
- Last Updated: 06/24/21
- Last Visited: 02/14/22
- Description: This website gives a basic overview of the necessary components of HTML5 as well as the overall anatomy of what the code should look like.
- Title: HTML Tutorial
- Homepage
- Last Updated: 2022
- Last Visited: 02/14/22
- Description: This website is for educational purposes so alongside basic HTML5 notes this website has additional tools to check comprehension like quizzes.
CSS Help
- Title: CSS Introduction
- Homepage
- Last Updated: 2022
- Last Visited: 02/14/22
- Description: This website is for educational purposes so alongside basic CSS notes this website has additional tools to check comprehension like quizzes.
- Title: CSS Basics
- Homepage
- Last Updated: 02/01/22
- Last Visited: 02/14/22
- Description: A step-by-step guide to transferring an HTML5 webpage into CSS.
Design Help
- Title: Handling common HTML and CSS problems
- Homepage
- Last Updated: 02/01/22
- Last Visited: 02/14/22
- Description: This website addresses common issues in CSS which mess with the design of the webpage.
- Title: Design Principles for Developers: Processes and CSS Tips for Better Web Design
- Homepage
- Authors: Andrew Spencer
- Last Updated: 09/16/19
- Last Visited: 02/14/22
- Description: This Website lists CSS tips to create a cohesive design with functionality.
Images Help
- Title: Openverse
- Homepage
- Last Visited: 02/14/22
- Description: A database of over 600 million logos and images that are free to use for noncommercial content.
- Title: Creative Commons
- Homepage
- Last Updated: 11/22/21
- Last Visited: 02/14/22
- Description: A database and research website for images and content protected under CC licenses.